Anyone who knows me knows I love the game of golf. I have come to realize that life is like a round of golf. Your going to have some tough holes and some holes that favor your game so they may be a bit easier for you. You may hit a few shots in the hazard but you can take a penalty shot and give it another try. You will probably make more bogeys than you do birdies but it’s the birdies that keep you coming back and wanting to try again. If you focus on your target and forget about the wind, the water hazard and the bunker guarding the pin you will have a better shot at success. Play against yourself and the golf course; forget how your playing partner is playing. There will be times you will attack the pin and other times you will play it safe and aim for the middle of the green. You have to forget about that bad shot you hit on the last hole and move on. Remember you only have 18 holes so try your best on every shot and every hole, there are no mulligans. Ultimately, it’s a game – HAVE FUN!