The Moment

I recently had an opportunity to participate in the greatest business competition in the world – The Apprentice.  There was one common theme with all of the contestants; we all seized the moment.  We didn’t focus on the past or what the future might bring,...

Run Your Business Like a 10 Year Old

I recently observed my two daughters and their friends running a lemonade stand with several of their friends in the neighborhood.  It was interesting to watch how much we know about running a successful business at a young age and for some reason we seem to forget...

10 Ways To Stay Positive During Tough Times

The real estate industry has been hit harder than just about any other industry during this recession.  Those of us that rely on home sales to put food on the table find it difficult to stay focused on our goals and keep a positive attitude when everywhere we turn we...

My 10 Favorite Quotes

“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” – Wayne Gretzky “I haven’t always done a good job, and I haven’t always been successful – but I know that I have tried.” – George Steinbrenner “You can’t just sit there and wait for people to...

Life is Like a Round of Golf

Anyone who knows me knows I love the game of golf.  I have come to realize that life is like a round of golf.  Your going to have some tough holes and some holes that favor your game so they may be a bit easier for you.  You may hit a few shots in the hazard but you...