Spring Lawn Care Tips

We’ll winter is slowing coming to a close and spring is hopefully here to stay.  As a result it is time to get outside and make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.  Below is a step by step process to get you started.  Rake your lawn.  Many yards received vole...

Lessons Learned From The Donald

For most people, hearing the words, “You’re fired,” can be discouraging. For me, it actually felt good—especially coming from an icon like Donald Trump. I had fought my way through hundreds of thousands “Apprentice wannabes,” competed against some of the best and...

Woodbury Homes For Sale

The real estate market is changing every day.  If you are considering a new home, wondering about the value of your current home or simply looking for some straight forward real estate advice contact Wade today.   CLICK HERE to search homes for...

Commissions for a Cause in 2011 – AFSP

As many of you know, I lost my sister to suicide 10 years ago.  In an effort to prevent this from happening to others I have made an effort to educate others of the causes and affects of suicide.  I currently serve on the board of directors for the American Foundation...

What to Consider When Buying a Lake Home

Is that time of year again – cabin fever.  Many of you will begin your search for a lake home, lot or cabin with the hopes of using it this summer.  Here are a few things to consider when buying a lake place: Location:  How far are you willing to drive on the weekends...