When I set out on the journey to become The Donald’s next Apprentice I did it for a number of reasons.  I felt I needed to challenge myself, I wanted to work and learn from the most successful real estate entrepreneur in the world and I needed a change.  What I didn’t realize was how this experience would teach me so much about myself and my talents.  I learned that to be successful you need to be doing what you love to do.  For me, that’s taking risks and working for myself.  I found that although I take direction well and will do what I am asked to do I am more successful coming up with the ideas and asking others to help me implement them.   During tasks I often found myself asking “why I am doing this when I could be helping out in ways that will benefit me and the team more”.  I know now that we are all given instincts for a reason and when your “gut” tells you to do something, you do it.

While I was at first frustrated with the outcome (because I always want to win), I realized sometimes you learn more from a loss than you do from a win.

I just need to put fear aside and forget about all of the negativity happening in this world right now and make the decision.  I may make the wrong decision from time to time but so what!  Either way it will be an experience.

Since returning from New York, I have become re-energized and surrounded myself with some very talented individuals.  I have discovered some opportunities in this challenging real estate market and I am going to take advantage of them.  

Bottom line, I realized I have the talent, the skills, the work ethic and most important the instincts to be successful.  After all, Donald Trump selected me as one of 16 finalists to work for him.  Not too many people can put that on their resume’! 

So take some advice from me:  Do what you love to do, even if you are scared or others tell you it’s a bad idea, trust your gut and make the decision.  You won’t regret it!

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